
Don’t Go Against These 10 Rules When Repainting Your House

By Arana Craftsman Painters

Don’t you just love it when after a long day of work, just as you pull up the corner, you see your house gleaming in the sun for all to see? It’s the bright spot of the neighborhood and actually one reason why the area you live in is highly sought after. Over the years though, you’ve been busy at work and raising a family. The elements have been right there with you getting busy as well.

As an effect of the elements doing what they do best, your house has lost some its sheen and developed issues here and there, whether with the roofing, siding or water leakages. It’s time to get your house back to its former glory, but where to start?

With an exquisite paint job, of course. A properly done paint job is sure to rejuvenate the house, as well save you some serious amounts of cash. Hiring a professional painter will cost anywhere between $1,000 to $5,000. If you want an exquisite job, it is generally recommended to get an expert.

However, you can save on that cash and do the painting yourself. However, this will require serious effort from you and your collaborators, and the job can take anywhere from one to two weeks. And this could actually work to your advantage; a paint job usually lasts several years before a new coat is required.

With that in mind, what rules should you follow when repainting your house?

1. Be real.

It may be tempting to pick up the tools and do the job yourself and save yourself some serious dough. Have you considered this though, do you have the skills, the time and the patience to deliver the quality job you are looking for?

Painting a house by yourself, or even in the company of friends or family, is a very tedious job that requires copious amounts of time. If you neither have the skills nor the time, consider hiring a professional.

2. Quality matters… a lot!

You literally get what you pay for. That paint you were thinking about was a lot for very little money but ask yourself this, how long will it last until you need to repaint the house? A quality product will push you several years before you even think about painting again.

These quality paints and primers will usually cost anywhere from $35 to $70, but the quality and years of service you get will be unparalleled in comparison to some of the cheaper paints.

3. Be sure to check the type of paints you want to use.

Although it was the norm several decades ago due to their durability, lead paints have been found to be a health hazard to both children and adults. As the paint gets older, the flakes and dust from the paints could cause various degrees of lead poisoning.

If the house you currently reside in has paint residue from before 1978, it is recommended that you contact lead paint removal experts before embarking on a fresh painting session.

4. Temperate weather is the best.

Well, the elements have a say in how well your paint will age, how long it will last before wear and tear make you get a new coat. They also have a say in what time of year you should paint if you want to get good results. Yes, really. Here’s how…

The paint you are using is essentially a combination of chemical elements. Every element is affected in one way or another by temperature. When the temperatures are too high, or you’re painting in direct sunlight, the paint will dry too quickly. Painting when it’s too cold will cause the paint to not adhere to surfaces properly.

The best times to repaint the house are when the temperatures are between 50 to 90 degrees. And this should also be done when there’s no precipitation forecasted. Painting over a damp or dewy surface will cause the coat to develop bubbles.

5. Lay the groundwork.

Before going out to paint, ensure the surface you want to paint has been prepared for the new coat. This will mean removing the old coat of paint. You can start by using a scraper to remove old, flaky paint. The next step will be to wash the surface with soapy water and scrub with a brush. Wherever possible, use a pressure washer to blast the surfaces clean.

If you’re facing tougher paint, you can use power sander to get a smooth surface. The idea is not to remove all the paint, just to get a smooth surface which the new coat can adhere to.

6. Protect what’s not to be painted.

Before getting down to business, if you have furniture, plants or other fixtures around the surface you want to paint, you will either need to move them or cover them. As you go around the surface you are painting, there will always be sprays and splatters that land on surfaces you never intended to paint.

7. Tools make work easier.

The right tools anyway. Consider the surface you are painting on and the effort and quality you want. That’s the first step to determining which tools you will use. You may need to use a roller, or a high-quality brush, or an airless sprayer.

8. No shortcuts please.

If you want your house to look as amazing as it once was, or as you imagine it in your head, there is no room for shortcuts. This means applying all the necessary coats of paint to get the finish that you want. If you’re painting over a bare metal or wooden surface, you will need to use a high-quality primer to prepare the surface for what’s to come.

9. Do your homework.

Even though it may look like a mundane activity, painting is nothing like that. It actually requires various specialized techniques that a proper painting novice will have no idea they exist. Before embarking on the task, do your homework on painting techniques and how to mix paints to get the effect you want.

10. Do some more homework.

That’s if you do decide to hire a professional. The gig economy has grown in leaps and bounds with the proliferation of the internet. Any Tom, Dick and Harry who fancies themselves a good painter will make themselves available, and you may just land on the most incompetent of them.

When choosing an Oakland painting company, ask for detailed bids and most importantly, the contacts of at least two satisfied customers. Call them up and if possible, arrange a visit to the premises that were painted and inspect the work for yourself.

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Tags: Arana Craftsman Painters, 10 Rules When Repainting Your House, Exterior House Painting in Oakland, House Painting, house painting tips, Professional Painting Tips

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