
What You Need To Know When Hiring An Interior Painter

By Arana Craftsman Painters


Professional interior house painting in Oakland CA.

There are a great many things to consider once you've decided to repaint the interior of your home. All of these considerations and ultimately, you choices, will factor into the "final product" so to speak. Because painting a home is considered an investment and meant to breathe new life into your home, you'll want to make the most informed and sound choices possible.

The first and perhaps most important consideration you will face when moving forward with an interior paint job is the hiring of professional painter. There are normally many professionals operating in a given location and the internet makes it easier than ever to find and contact these firms. It has often been stated that too few choices isn't necessarily a bad thing, especially when you're facing too many. While the validity and weight of that statement may be up for debate, there is no arguing that having so many professional painters vying for your business can make it difficult to determine which ones are best. The following tips come directly from professionals in the painting industry and will help you navigate the seemingly endless sea of experts. They will also help the process move along smoothly and complete in a timely fashion.

Checking For Lead - Homes built before 1978 often contain lead paint, or at least traces of it. While a home that old will likely have been repainted at least a few times, it's a good bet that some of its original lead based remains. In such scenarios, you will need to hire a professional interior painter that knows how to deal with lead paint. Lead paints are extremely hazardous so this step of the process (if applicable) should never be overlooked.

Preparing For New Paint - The repainting of your home's interior is likely part of a greater renovation project. As such you will want all repairs, upgrades, and cleaning projects completed before the professional you've hired arrives. Ensuring the completion of other projects and that the areas to be repainted are clean allows professional painters to do their best work. Be extra vigilant in areas such as bathrooms and kitchens as grease and soap deposits are problematic for new paint.

Reviews And Interviews - In order to ascertain which professional painters are reputable and to weed out those that are less than such, it behooves you to spend some time doing a bit of homework in the early going. Using the internet, read reviews, be thorough when visiting a painters website, and whenever possible...try speaking with others who have worked with a painter or painting firm that strikes your fancy. Word of mouth is often the best type of review as it comes from actual real world experience and isn't born of an online damage control campaign.

When you do finally contact a professional painter, have a list of questions and concerns at your side. Begin by asking for a company's licensing and insurance information. Include questions pertaining to the types/brands of paints they use, how big a team they utilize, how long the job might take, and even if they are adept at working with other interior design contractors. The more questions and concerns addressed at this time, the better your experience and results will be.

Additional Costs - There are many instances where a professional painter will be forced to include surcharges in their final bill. If you have heavy furniture that you are unable to move for example, the painters you hire may do it for you albeit at an additional cost. When speaking with a painter be sure to ask about additional fees and where they may be applicable so that there are no surprises down the line. Even better, look for painters that include these charges in their quote.

Picking Colors - Choosing a color that satisfies you and does right by your home isn't always an easy task. More often than not the sheer amount of colors available lead to confusion and frustration when you go it alone. This is why nearly all professional painters will work closely with you in the early stages of a project. Both you and the painter you've hired will sit down and not only bounce around ideas but will look at color charts, discuss placement options, and then apply test samples of your choices so that you can see what they look like in real life. Make certain that the painter you are thinking of working with will repeat this process until you are satisfied and at no additional cost.

Doing It Right The First Time

As is the case with everything related to home improvement projects, doing it right the first time is always the most sound way to move towards a conclusion. Hiring a less than reputable painter simply to save a few nickels and dimes rarely ends well and can double and triple costs when you are forced to hire a second team to fix the problems such individuals create. When hiring a professional painter to refresh the interior of your home don't be hasty, don't become parsimonious, and don't settle for anything but the best.


Tags: Arana Craftsman Painters, House Painting, What You Need To Know When Hiring An Interior Pain, Professional Painting Tips

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