All throughout San Leandro there exists any number of beautifully painted homes and businesses. Some of these are undoubtedly the work of Arana Craftsman Painters. As San Leandro painters we aim to beautify, protect, and restore every building we paint. Our approach differs from our competitors in that we look at every job first from an artisan’s point of view. While others will simply apply new paint to a home or commercial building, Arana pours its passion and sense of art into every job allowing it to craft the perfect paint, designs, and placement.
At Arana, we paint everything from small two bedrooms homes to very large commercial buildings. Moreover we apply paint to both the interiors and exteriors of the buildings at which we work. Arana works closely with both home/business owners as well as interior designers in order to produce exceptional results.
It is a rare occasion when a homeowner thinks of paint as anything but “the color of their home”. What these same people are unaware of is that fresh paint applied to their homes is multi-purposed. Of course the aesthetics of paint is always going to be at the forefront of any paint related conversation but paint also protects a home’s structure by acting as a first line of defense against the elements and pests. Additionally, a new coat of paint can restore vibrancy and life to otherwise faded and dull looking finishes on homes.
Arana works with all manner of homeowners. From the young couple moving into their first home to long sitting homeowners readying their house for the market, Arana beautifies, protects and restores all it paints. Our team of experts will first meet with homeowners to get a feel for what they want in new paint. From there, our team will continue their consultation providing homeowners with color charts, placement suggestions, and the application of test samples. From here, our team goes to work on a home and in the process, revitalizes it and helps it stand out in its neighborhood.
Commercial painting often requires an extra level of planning and care than does residential painting. This is because commercial buildings are designed for business and therefore must look attractive to customers both current and potential. Additionally, new paint must be applied in a way so as not to disrupt daily operations and business.
Arana Craftsman Painters has helped businesses of all types restore and even re-imagine the look of their business all throughout the Bay Area. Our team approaches a commercial job placing a heavy emphasis on every detail of a building. We are meticulous during the consultation phase so that business/building owners get not only exactly what they want but what their businesses need as well.
Arana is flexible in its work schedule so that businesses can continue to operate with little to no interference while new paint is applied to a professional location. We can paint during the day, overnight, and after traditional business hours have concluded so that we are never in the way.
There are a great many painting services out there that simply show up, apply paint, and leave. To their credit, many of these services do good work but its work devoid of passion. Arana Craftsman Painters are not only master painters but artists as well. Our artistic interpretation of colors and different buildings allows us to create something truly special for both our residential and commercial customers. Our entire staff is comprised of individuals whom all share a deep love and zeal for painting. They bring these things to the table at every job and work to give customers the very best in new paint.
As San Leandro painters, Arana Craftsman Painters prides itself on delivering paint that exceeds its customers expectations. Satisfaction and quality customer service are at the core of our business model which is why we back all of our work with a 5 year guarantee. This guarantee sees our team return to your home or place of business to inspect the integrity of its work. Should they detect any bubbling, cracking, or peeling, they will return immediately to re-paint the affected areas. All this happens at no additional cost to our customers. At Arana, we aren’t happy unless our customers are.
Arana Craftsman Painters services San Leandro, Oakland, Piedmont, Alameda, Berkeley, Orinda, Lafeyette, Moraga, and the entire San Francisco Bay Area!
"We implement the painting portion of the Design Vision without getting in the way of the Designer Typically our designer clients do not want to answer repetitive questions concerning the project when they to be can out spec’ing furniture. Usually these Designers have been surprised by the poor quality of finish or have had an inexperienced painter damage flooring or furnishings.
Or even worse, create a problem they’re unwilling to go back and fix or not address a problem that came up later. Have you ever had a painter who said they could finish when you needed them to and didn’t?"